
A rare look at someone working diligently to escape the entrapment of an enmeshed family. These posts may become rather raw as the struggle becomes difficult. It is my desire to document this journey in an effort to understand myself and help others who might need help as they seek to become INDIVIDUALS.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I Am Uniquely Me

This is one of those nights where sleep is eluding me.  I have tried to drift off to sleep but the deep snore of the one I love and lurking problems in my enmeshed family have me thinking too much.  I wish life was easier with my parents and siblings.  It would be so nice that I even dream about it.  In a perfect world we would each be individuals living lives the way we desired.  Choices we made would be respected.  We would be working in fields we enjoy, not concerned about making more money than someone else,   We would enjoy our homes and appreciate them instead of trying to have the biggest and best.  We would plan vacations that were our own to enjoy and not try to one up the another.  Most of all we would enjoy being who we are! 

God created each of us as individual people.  We are all uniquely different and that is one of the most fabulous gifts He ever gave us!  We are not all meant to be doctors or lawyers, politicians or police officers, homemakers or grocery clerks!!  We are all about differences, and enjoying them!  Let's embrace our individuality and excel in the lives that God's given us!  We do not need to be like anyone else.  We do not need to compete for some false sense of glory.  We do not want to solicit our membership to the "clubhouse in the sky!" 

I am ME!  I want to enjoy who I am and the gifts and talents that our good Lord has given to me.  They are uniquely mine.  Who I am is a combination of many aspects that no one else has.  My experiences, genetics, health, and many other areas have helped to contribute to my individuality and I am grateful for each of those aspects.

So many people would be so much happier if they would just STOP and listen to me here!  Don't compete!  And remember, if there is someone in your life competing with you... It takes TWO to have a competition.  Just drop out!  Don't play the game!  You don't have to tell them, just stop on your end. 

Really, there is nothing to be gained by trying to one up another person.  There is no joy to be found in that situation.  It's completely empty. 

What is really useful, however, is becoming YOU!  Take delight in what makes you happy!  Enjoy your work, or find a job that will become a blessing to you.  Enjoy your spouse, your children, friends you hold dear.  Think about the things in life that bring you incredible joy, and do them.  Walks, physical exercise, creative endeavours such as painting or scrapbooking, homemaking, cooking, decorating, whatever it is, do it with great delight.

Embrace yourself.  Your inner you is crying out to you.  Reach in and hold it tight.  Take care of yourself.  Comfort yourself.  Be happy!  Find contentment in who you really are.  Let God help you.

No one can else can tell you who to be, how to live, what to wear, how to behave.  Don't allow anyone to invalidate your being.  Accept respect, walk away from those who can't understand that choice. 

Your brother or sister, mother or father, NONE of them can define you.  None of them can tell you who to be or how to act.  They can't tell you what you like or what you want.  You are an individual, not a group.  You cannot worry about how they will respond to your individuality.  You cannot control them.  No matter what you do, you can NEVER control their thoughts or ideas about you, or anything.  Don't try.  Get out of the game.  Walk away.  These kinds of relationships are doomed to failure.  You can shine on your own.  You do not need them.  Be a better person because you want that for yourself, not for them.

God will help you along the way.  He created you to be an individual.  It will not always be an easy road and you will need to depend on Him for help.  I am reminded of this tonight as I lay in bed with a whirlwind of thoughts overcoming my heart and mind.  It is not easy to escape enmeshment.  It's deeply rooted within us.  We were born enmeshed.  Don't be hard on yourself.  But do take steps to move forward.  Think about something you'd really like to work on, such as a creative project.  What would it look like?  How would you create it?  I think of a quilt, or an afghan, or a scrapbooking page.  It's blank, I can fill it in the way I want.  I can choose the richness of the colors and the pattern.  I can decide how big it will be and its size and shape.  I am in control of what I build for myself.  It's a wonderful feeling!  It doesn't need to be approved by anyone.  If someone likes it, well that's just great!  But if someone doesn't like it, that's too bad.  Perhaps they never realized that the colors you used were perfect for you and made you smile.  Too bad for them, they are missing out not to see your heart in your creation.  Your creation is your life.  Your creation is YOU.  Make it beautiful.  Uniquely you.  Celebrate yourself.  God will honor you as you seek Him to reveal just what wonderful aspects of life He has blessed you with!  Lean on Him.


  1. I can almost picture you giving yourself a big hug about now..... I am glad you are leaning on HIM and loving who YOU are ! ! ! D

  2. Carol, I am not sure if you will read this or see this but I wish I could give you hug right now. I have finally gone and seen a therapist to begging to heal my shame that my family has caused me for my 22 years of life. I know this will be a long road ahead of me but reading your words, inspire me to step up and make a life for myself and be ME.

  3. Dearest Nickie,
    I am so glad that you are now seeing a therapist to help you learn and grow. Please forgive me for my tardy response. I had to step away from my blog for a bit to deal with another round of enmeshment issues that I have been facing. I, too, have gone back to seeing a counselor and it she is helping me deal with enmeshment and its ruthless issues. I hope you and I can uplift each other throughout our journeys. I am grateful if there is anything in my story that can help you through some of the pain that has been yours to deal with. Thank you for writing. Please write again when you are up to it. I am praying for you now as I write this that God would comfort you and protect you as you seek to escape enmeshment.

  4. Excellent blog, this is just what the internet needs, I am just like you, I was deeply enmeshed, but not I am going against the grain, I literally cannot wait to be living on my own, finally dictating my own life.

  5. Dearest Anonymous Friend,
    I am so glad that you are seeing enmeshment for what it is, and choosing to define your life the way you choose. It can be difficult, but persevere as there is much joy to be found as an individual. Let me know how you're doing, please!

  6. Boy do I know about One Up-ing. My own parent does it and so does my husband's. It is so sad that a parent wishes to compete with and let envy and insecurity poison the relationship. All we want is to be loved unconditionally by our parents, who afterall chose to bring us in to the world. We didnt ask to be belittled , shamed, and scapegoated.
