
A rare look at someone working diligently to escape the entrapment of an enmeshed family. These posts may become rather raw as the struggle becomes difficult. It is my desire to document this journey in an effort to understand myself and help others who might need help as they seek to become INDIVIDUALS.

Friday, March 23, 2012

I'm sad because I'm losing something I've never had.

If you are someone looking to escape enmeshment, I applaud you,  It will be very rewarding to become yourself.  Individuality is fabulous!  But you've undoubtedly learned that enmeshment qualities can take hold of your life and have allowed them to define you.  It will take time to get over that.  It will take diligence to learn to become yourself and not care about what others think of you, especially your enmeshed family members. 

I'm feeling very sad and lonely today as I realize that I have not gotten as far as I would have thought.  My journey began in the late 80's and I am still struggling.  Don't let that frighten you, my personality is undoubtedly different than yours.  I had thought I was over so much, but I'm finding myself depressed and overcome with loss, even though that loss occurred many, many years ago.

Perhaps this post will just remind you that it is a lifelong process to escape enmeshment.  Perhaps it means that it is ok to give in once in a while to a bit of a pity party.  Whatever it is, I hope that you understand that life is, indeed, a journey. 

I may be overly sad because I realize that I am facing the end of life with my mom and dad.  They will never understand anything but enmeshment.  Perhaps that is what I am so sad about.  My dream of having them understand me for who I am is gone.  My hope for having a relationship based on individuality will never be.  Finally, I believe I have stumbled upon the reason for my sadness.  I know I will miss my parents when they pass on, but what I will miss most is my hope that they would be able to see me and understand me for who I am.

I've lost my hope for them, for what could have been, for what never was.  It's so sad for me.  That's why I am hurting right now.  Thank God I am writing, I don't think I would have figured it out, otherwise.


  1. Isn't writing a peaceful balm? A place of self reflection and a window on our lives? Grief, my dear, lasts a lifetime. The stages come and go. Acceptance lasts longer sometimes and at others seems so far away. But it is a part of your story. A part that makes you beautifully broken.

  2. My dear friend,
    Thank you for your note is like peaceful balm to my heart. This journey called "life" is sometimes such a rocky road (and oh, wouldn't it be wonderful if that meant my favorite ice cream)! Perhaps that is how I shall think of it today. Slip sliding away on chocolate, nuts and those elusive marshmallows... that will make me smile and happy!

  3. Hello,

    I like it ''I'm sad because I'm losing something I've never had. ''. That is the big illusion that ego mind has, in that there is fear around losing something that never was. And yet the mind gets caught up in the child-like fantasy and hope. Like a robot going over the same pattern. All because it is familiar and safe.

    I have just wrtten something on enmeshment myself - http://www.transformationalwriting.co.uk/1/post/2012/10/enmeshment-what-is-enmeshment.html .



  4. Dear Oliver,

    Thank you for the link. I will enjoy reading your story.

